Thursday, August 13, 2009


sigh... too tired to blog much 2day...

Doing quizzes...(Hope you don't mind, S.Y)

A-AVAILABLE --- 'Sorry, but the number you have dialed is engaged at the moment. Please try again later, thank you' *beep*

B-BIRTHDAY--- In Binary: 10000-1-11111001100(figure it out yourself -_-)

C-CRUSH ON--- What is the question?

D-DRINK YOU LAST HAD--- Crap(Whatever I drank, it WAS crap)

E-EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO --- Inanimate objects, Deceased, and The Father(I'm catholic)

F-FAVORITE SONG --- Makes me wonder AND Viva la Vida(but I hate Coldplay)

G-GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS --- Both(or neither, depends on which is available)

H-HOLIDAYS AT--- Don't bother to mention

I-IN LOVE WITH --- Let's see...... Does Ambidexterity count?

J-JUGGLE --- schoolwork, self-improvement, singing, piano, leisure?

K-KILLED SOMEBODY --- I killed many people, wrath(one of the seven deadly sins, argh!)

L-LONGEST CAR RIDE --- 2h to Malacca, or 8 hrs in a coach to Genting


N-NUMBER OF SIBLINGS --- n number of them: {(n-2)*180}/1000=0

O-ONE WISH --- That you not ask this question?

P-PERSON YOU CALLED LAST--- Too vague(hp call or vocal call?)

R-REASON TO SMILE --- Define smile

S-SONG YOU LAST HEARD --- Viva la Vida

T-TIME YOU WOKE UP --- 6.30am(late 4 school!)

V-VEGETABLES --- Yeah, what about them?

W-WORST HABIT --- Losing count of how many bad habits I have


Y-YOYOS ARE --- The best hobby EVA!!!

Z-ZODIAC SIGN --- What do you call a hybrid between a rodent and a pig?


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